Monday, January 1, 2018

Desert Days

Lewis's left yesterday so we have just chilled for two days. The two days we spent wandering around Los Algodones took a toll on Brenda and her muscles are revolting so for the next few days we are just going to take it easy here. I have taken a spin around the neighbourhood on Blue II and the dogs have been snooping in the washes near camp, but with their new collars they seem to have recalled that when they are to far from home they get in trouble. Nice to be able to stop them from dashing off to get into mischief or run out in front of a vehicle although out here most vehicles are moving pretty slow, so as not to raise a cloud of dust near each others camps.

Skip and Jean and their Boston Bulls, Louis and Sophie, I think stopped by for a visit this morning and then the rest of the day I spent reading. Late in the afternoon a fellow, Bill Cash, stopped by to ask about our lifestyle and I told him it was a pretty free and stress free existence, probably only available for the most part in the Western parts of Canada and the USA.

Here are a few more pics of Los Algodones that we took while we were down there.

You can get your drugs and your vanilla all in the same store.

Not sure what kind of electrical system is down here but it seems kind of freestyle.

Happy New Year to one and all.

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